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Billingstad energy center

The residents of Vestre Billingstad receive environmentally friendly and sustainable energy from a shared energy center for the entire area.

Project status

      Mar 2019
      Dec 2025

      About the project

      The energy for the homes is produced by heat pumps, which, once fully developed, will draw energy from 160 energy wells in the ground.

      • 2000 kW

        Installed power

        When the project is finished
      • 12 GWh

        Annual power from the energy center

      AF Gruppen

      Vestre Billingstad

      Renewable energy solution

      Heat pumps supply about 90% of residents' energy needs, with electric boilers providing the rest and acting as a backup.

      By 2023, the energy solution has saved over 2,200 tons of CO2 emissions since 2020. It is expected to save around 1,800 tons of CO2 annually once fully operational and will free up about 1.4 MW of power grid capacity.

      • Image of a man in high-visibility clothing and a helmet operating a panel on a heat pump at Billingstad.
        The heat pumps at Billingstad Energy Center serves more than 4000 people with renewable energy

      The Vestre Billingstad area will comprise a total of 15 construction phases, including residential units and a kindergarten. The energy center has been developed incrementally to align with the housing development. Each of the 15 construction phases will feature dedicated customer centers to ensure efficient utilization of energy in the various buildings.

      Man in a yellow AF-jacket outside in front of the energy center. The concrete construction is visible in the background
      Managing Director of Enaktiva, Even Gjelsås, in front of the energy center.

      The energy center is situated inside the mountain beneath the playground of the kindergarten at Vestre Billingstad. Once completed, it will have over 10 kilometers of pipes in the ground. When constructed, the heat pump was one of the largest in Europe using CO2 as a refrigerant.

      Project info

      Project type: Energisentraler
      Business unit: AF Energi AS