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The new hospital in Drammen seen from the air with Drammen and the river in the background

Energy centers and distribution at the new hospital in Drammen

The contract includes the heating and cooling systems for the central building of the new hospital.

Project status

      Nov 2021
      Jun 2025

      This project involves the distribution of heat and cooling to various parts of the central building, including outpatient clinics, treatment buildings, ward buildings, service buildings, and the basement. The heating and cooling are distributed via three large energy centers and smaller energy centers in technical floors.

      • 5375 kW

        Effect heat
      • 4881 kW

        Effect cooling
      • 1644 kW

        Effect cooling of technical equipment
      • 1930 kW

        Effect snow melting system
      AF Gruppen

      Jacob Borchs gate 25, 3012 Drammen

      The contract is valued at approximately MNOK 200 excluding VAT. The work began in March 2022.

      In addition to the distribution of indoor heating and cooling, AF Energi is delivering 7830 square meters of snow melting systems for the outdoor environment at the hospital site. The project is scheduled for handover to the customer in the summer of 2025.

      Eksild Kvålsvold, produksjonsleder for AF Energi på Nytt Sykehus i Drammen
      Production Manager Eskil Kvålsvold supervised the installation of 88 kilometers of pipes in the distribution network, ensuring everything was installed as planned.


      The prefabricated elements for the energy center are designed and produced by AF Energija in Lithuania. Prefabrication saves space and makes the work safer and faster by performing much of the assembly and welding in the factory. This optimizes system design by eliminating the need for on-site assembly and welding space.

      AF Energi leverer energisentral og rør til kjøling og varming på NSD
      The prefabrication can be delivered just-in-time and to the correct location in the room. This will, in turn, reduce the need for storage and the amount of inbound transportation.

      – We have opted for a digital model, demanding high standards from both consultants and contractors. Prefabrication particularly requires detailed groundwork early on. Initially, detailing the model was challenging, but collaboration among involved parties resolved it effectively, says Torstein Tveiten, Development Manager at Sykehusbygg. 

      Torstein Tveiten (områdeleder, Sykehusbygg) og Kristoffer Laskemoen (AF Energi)
      Torstein Tveiten, Development Manager at Sykehusbygg talks to Kristoffer Laskemoen, portfolio manager in AF Energi

      Project info

      Project type: Energi - Teknisk entreprise
      Business unit: AF Energi AS
      Customer: Helse Sør-Øst RHF
      Contract type: NS8505 execution contract