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Niels Henrik Abels Hus

The Niels Henrik Abel's building

Refurbishment of reading halls and study rooms.

Project status

      Jul 2017
      May 2018

      About the project

      The lower floors of the Department of Mathematics's office building from the 1960s have previously been refurbished. Now it is the turn of levels 6-12 to undergo interior refurbishment. This includes, among other things, all of the surfaces, new technical plants, replacing the glass in all of the windows, and new toilets.

      • NOK 75 million

        Contract value

      AF Gruppen


      Upgrading in Blindern

      AF Gruppen has carried out a number of major refurbishment projects for the University of Oslo in recent years. 

      The first involved the refurbishment of the listed Sophus Bugges building in Blindern, before the it was the turn of the neighbouring Niels Treschows building. In spring 2017, AF secured the contract for refurbishing the Niels Henrik Abels building in the same area. 

      The Niels Henrik Abels building in Blindern in Oslo is from 1966, and the building has previously been partially refurbished. Now it is the turn of the upper floors. Technical plants, toilets, windows and surfaces will be upgraded to meet modern requirements.

      Project info

      Project type: Rehabilitering
      Customer: UiO - Universitetet i Oslo
      Contract type: Samspill fram mot totalentreprise