Our Projects
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- Ongoing
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Business Areas
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- Bygg
- Eiendom
- Civil Engineering
- Environment
- Energi
- Offshore
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- Østlandet
- Stor-Oslo
- Nord-Norge
- Sørlandet
- Vestlandet
- Midt-Norge
- Nordsjøen
- Platform Janice
- Offshore
- Hovinbyen Energy Hub
- Energi
- E6 Storhove-Øyer
- Civil Engineering
- E6 Roterud-Storhove
- Civil Engineering
- Drammen Hospital
- Bygg, Civil Engineering, Environment, Energi
- Complete demolition of Pilestredet 75C
- Environment
- New water supply in Oslo
- Civil Engineering
- Restoring Svalbard to its natural state
- Environment
- Life Sciences Building
- Energi
- E39 Kristiansand West - Mandal East
- Civil Engineering
- Kolbotn serviced accommodation
- Bygg, Energi
- E6 Soknedal
- Civil Engineering
- Ørland Fighter Aircraft Base
- Civil Engineering
- Hoppern School
- Bygg
- WANG Ung
- Bygg, Eiendom
- Kårstø Integrity Project
- Civil Engineering
- Lillo Gård
- Bygg, Eiendom
- Housing development in Bjørvika
- Bygg, Energi
- E18 Tvedestrand - Arendal
- Civil Engineering
- Huldra A Disposal
- Offshore
- Nes Environmental Centre
- Environment
- Bekkelaget treatment plant
- Civil Engineering
- Campus Ås
- Bygg, Energi
- Grimstad Library
- Bygg
- Kringsjå Student Village
- Bygg, Energi
- Demolition of the Bjølvo Power Station
- Environment
- Remove and recycle Murchison
- Offshore
- County Road 32, Porsgrunn
- Civil Engineering
- Vamma Power Station
- Civil Engineering, Environment
- New National Museum
- Bygg, Civil Engineering
- The Tofte Mill
- Environment
- Engebrets promenade
- Bygg, Eiendom
- The Skjeggestad Bridge
- Environment
- Krydderhagen
- Bygg, Eiendom
- Thurmannskogen
- Bygg, Eiendom
- Rimol Environmental Centre
- Environment
- S-Block in the Government Quarter
- Environment
- EPC in Oppland county
- Energi
- Deepsea Atlantic
- Offshore
- Østbanehallen
- Bygg
- Rv13 Ryfast
- Civil Engineering
- Nyhamna Expansion Project
- Civil Engineering
- E6 Frya–Vinstra
- Civil Engineering
- Follum Fabrikker
- Environment
- Nydalen Energy Plant
- Energi
- Bispelokket
- Environment
- Removal and recycling of B11
- Offshore
- Removal and recycling of H7
- Offshore
- Rv47 T-link
- Civil Engineering
- Removal of the cruiser, the Murmansk
- Environment
- Removal of the Ekofisk tank
- Offshore