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Recycling of a major Dutch gas field, L7

Ten production platforms from the L7 field in the Dutch sector of the North Sea have reached the end of their life cycle and will ble recycled.

Project status

      Oct 2022
      Oct 2024

      In the autumn of 2022 AF Offshore Decom signed a major contract for the removal and recycling of installations for a new customer, TotalEnergies EP Nederland. The L7-field consists of ten production platforms in the Dutch sector of the North Sea. The total weight of these installations is around 17.500 metric tons, and the objective is to recycle 98 % of all materials. The structures will be prepared for removal and lifted by selected, fit for purpose vessels from the local supply chain. They will be transported to the purpose-built recycling facility for oil and gas infrastructure, the AF Environmental Base Vats in Norway.

        Carbon capture study

        The Dutch L7-field represents the beginning of the Dutch petroleum industry. The field was built between 1975 and 1989 consisting of a “Central Complex” and surrounding satellite platforms.

        In addition to be the first contract for a new customer, the scope also includes installation work and preparations for redevelopment of infrastructure for the future use for carbon capture and storage (CCS). The infrastructure will be a part of a study for the industrialization of carbon capture and storage in abandoned gas wells.

        Project info

        Project type: Fjerning og gjenvinning offshore
        Customer: TotalEnergies EP Nederland
        Contract type: EPRD