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The Tofte Mill

The well-known cellulose mill at Tofte in Hurum has been demolished, and a 120-year long industrial era is now over.

Project status

      Aug 2015
      Jun 2016

      About the project

      In order to shorten the demolition time, nine demolition machines with associated equipment were mobilised of sizes ranging from 30 to 100 tonnes.

      • NOK 26.6 million

        Contract price

      • 120 000

        tonnes of concrete for recycling

      AF Gruppen

      Østre strandvei 52, Tofte, Norway

      Demolition method

      First, all materials that were hazardous to health or the environment were removed manually from the structures. The rest of the constructions were then demolished using machines. Large sections of the masses were crushed and used on-site for site preparation and filling in culverts. 12 000 tonnes of contaminated concrete were delivered to disposal sites at the Lindum station nearby in Oredalen, and the remaining waste was sorted and transported to approved facilities for safe and secure waste management.

      HSE exam

      Safety work is an important part of AF's corporate culture. Neither employees nor subcontractors must be injured at work. We therefore place high demands on ourselves and our partners and suppliers. Everyone is expected to actively participate in making our shared workplaces safe.

      Accidents and crises may occur despite good safety work. Being prepared for the unexpected requires planning, training and awareness. In-project training is therefore AF’s most important activity in preparation. During demolition of the mill at Tofte, both AF and the relevant emergency services were given a golden opportunity to practice an incident under real conditions with both machines and personnel present. See the video of the exercise below.

      • Sorting level of 99 %

        in the project

      Project info

      Project type: Riving
      Business unit: AF Decom AS

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