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Energy savings contract Avinor

Avinor has a target of 30 per cent reduction in its total energy consumption by 2020. AF guarantees energy saving actions proposed for Avinor

Project status

      Feb 2011
      Dec 2020

      About the project

      Close cooperation with Avinor enables AF to identify possibilities, facilitate and perform actions that will contribute to profitable energy savings for the Avinor airports.

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      Blue Environmental Effect

      AF uses its inter-disciplinary fund of expertise in the efficient use of energy. In this way, Avinor will achieve a significant and long-term reduction in energy consumption and energy costs at its airports. This agreement will benefit Avinor, AF and, not least, the environment. At AF, we call this the Blue Environmental Effect.

      The contract model (EPC) is built in three phases: The analysis phase, implementation phase and savings guarantee phase. Analysis of the buildings at the Avinor airports provides AF with a general understanding of energy drivers, purposes and use as well as planned and required upgrades. Tailor-made actions are then proposed where AF guarantees energy savings in association with the actions.

      AF is responsible for the entire project, implementation and follow-up process and guarantees savings and profitability for up to eight years. The agreement covers 15 airports in total. 

      Avinor’s target is a 30 % reduction in its total energy consumption. AF’s tender was the best, based on the award criteria of profitability, competence and experience, organisation and progress.
      Rune Roger Johansen, Property Manager, Avinor.

      Project info

      Project type: Rehabilitering og energieffektivisering
      Business unit: AF Energi