Lillo Gård
At Lillo Gård in Storo, AF Gruppen has developed a new housing project with a number of partners.
Project status
- July 2019
Ferdigstillelse felt A0
July 2020Oppstart av grunnarbeider oktober 2017
About the project
Lillo Gård comprises a total of 420 apartments, a community square and a newly restored farm. Lillo Gård and several of the surrounding buildings are listed, and the new homes will be centrally located in an area that is really coming into its own.
New apartments
Lillo gård, Oslo, Norge
Housing project with a historical feel
Renewed life in one of Oslo's oldest settlements. Lillo Gård, which has been inhabited since the Stone Age, is now at the centre of a new housing project with 440 apartments.
People have lived here since the Stone Age and it has always been farm land – until 1980, when the farm was bought by Nycomed for use as a course and conference centre. In 2014, Lillo Gård KS took over the farm's 26,000 m2 site. It is the area around the farm that is now going to be developed.
The farm itself will form a square at the centre. The old farm buildings will house a restaurant, bakery and other businesses, and, given its central location, all the amenities will be close by.
Lillo Gård KS is owned by AF, OBOS, Aspelin Ramm, Trond Mohn and others. Areas B1 and B2 consist of 178 apartments in four blocks, which will include two underground levels with parking, technical rooms and storage spaces. In addition there will be approx. 3,000 m2 of commercial premises, associated outdoor areas and infrastructure. Area A0 comprises 241 apartments in 7 blocks, which will include one underground floor with parking, technical rooms and storage spaces. In addition there will be an approx. 1,000 m2 kindergarten, associated outdoor areas and infrastructure.
When Lillo Gård is completed, Eiendomsplan and AF Gruppen will have contributed to the construction of a total of 1,100 homes in the same area through the Elvesiden, Elvebredden, Lillohagen and Lillo Gård projects.