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Grimstad Library

AF Gruppen trakk det lengste strået i konseptkonkurransen om bygging av Grimstad kommunens nye bibliotek.

Project status

      Sep 2016
      Nov 2017

      About the project

      AF Gruppen won the competition to build a new library in Grimstad together with the architect firm Helen & Hard from Stavanger and consulting engineers Dagfin Skaar AS. The project is based on existing buildings with the construction of a new storey as well as annexes.

      • NOK 30 million

        Contract value

      • 2 240 m2

        Gross internal area

      AF Gruppen

      Grimstad bibliotek, Storgaten, Grimstad, Norge

      A boost for Grimstad

      A new public library is being built in the centre of Grimstad. It will open in December 2017. 

      The new library joins the old premises to a new extension on of the city's finest plots of land. New park areas will be established around the library and, together, the project will provide a big boost to the city of Grimstad. 

      In the project, AF has demolished and removed old, heavy structures and replaced them with modern and more environmentally friendly solutions.

      Project info

      Project type: Commercial building
      Architect: Helen & Hard
      Adviser: Ing. Dagfin Skaar AS
      Customer: Grimstad Kommune
      Contract type: Totalentreprise