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E6 Storhove-Øyer

AF Gruppen is building a new section of the E6 between Storhove and Øyer north of Lillehammer.

Project status

    Jun 2023
    Dec 2026

    The new E6 between Storhove and Øyer is part of Nye Veier's development of the new E6 from Moelv to Øyer. The new road is instrumental for improving traffic safety and traffic flow, and will encourage growth and development in the region.

      E6 Storhove-Øyer
      AF Gruppen

      Main road

      The road between Storhove and Øyer will be nearly 10 kilometers and includes a 2,7 kilometer tunnel. Approximately 5 kilometers of the existing road will be upgraded and reused.

      The contract is awarded to AF Gruppen and Norconsult. The contract includes engineering, building and guarantee responsibilities.

      In order to reduce the consequences of building a new road, 4,5 kilometers of present day E6 will be removed. The project also contributes to new farming areas. The new tunnel means the inhabitants of Fåberg will no longer have to put up with traffic noise.

      The project also includes constructing a 2,5 kilometer bike path in Øyer, a fence along the road, a new water pipe through the tunnel plus measures against landslides.

      AF Gruppen and Nye Veier also work together on building a 23 kilometer four lane road from Storhove and south along lake Mjøsa to Roterud. More information about the project may be found here.

      Project info

      Business unit: AF Anlegg
      Adviser: Norconsult
      Customer: Nye Veier

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