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Illustrasjon av ny motorvei langs Mjøsa

E6 Roterud-Storhove

AF Gruppen is building a motorway along lake Mjøsa for Nye Veier.

Project status

      Mar 2025
      Jul 2030

      The contract includes the construction of a 23-kilometer four-lane motorway from Roterud north of Biri in Gjøvik municipality to Storhove in Lillehammer municipality. The road will have a speed limit of 110 km/h and will include a 4.2-kilometer long tunnel past Lillehammer, a new bridge over Lågen, and three intersections.

        AF Gruppen


        Part of a larger development

        A very thorough and comprehensive collaboration process has been carried out between Nye Veier, AF Gruppen, and Norconsult to improve the road project and contribute to a more gentle development with a reduced climate footprint. 

        The new E6 Roterud-Storhove is part of the overall development of the new E6 between Moelv and Øyer. The new E6 will provide better traffic safety and accessibility, and is important for road users, businesses, and emergency services. 

        AF Gruppen is also building the new E6 between Storhove and Øyer. More information about the project may be found here.

        Project info

        Business unit: AF Anlegg
        Adviser: Norconsult
        Customer: Nye Veier