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E6 Frya–Vinstra

E6 Frya–Vinstra was completed in 2016 and was Norway’s largest individual road construction project.

Project status

      Jun 2013
      Nov 2016

      About the project

      The new E6 will consist of 4.3 kilometres of tunnel, 20 concrete structures, 18 kilometres of motorway and 10 kilometres of local road.

      • NOK 1 468 million

        Contract price

      • The new alignment will not run through a single densely populated area, it does not contain a single traffic light junction and no 60 zones. This means that it will be a much safer stretch of highway.

      AF Gruppen

      Vinstra, Norway

      A safer E6

      On 17 December 2016, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration opened as much as 33 kilometres of new road in what has been the largest road expansion project in Norway the past few years. The new road will provide travellers with a completely new view of Gudbrandsdalen.

      The project has been split into two main contracts that both were Norway’s largest pure road contracts at the time when they were signed. AF Anlegg has been the general contractor for the 18-kilometre-long stretch from Frya to Vinstra, while the 15 kilometre long connection Vinstra–Sjoa has been built by the joint venture company E6 Implenia Aurstad on behalf of the client, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. Each of the contracts has involved the construction of a long tunnel, a large bridge and approximately 30 big and small constructions.

      All in all, 1 000 people and 200 machines have worked together under the AF Group to construct the new connection.

      A new alignment along the E6 through Gudbrandsdalen is a project that will be of great importance to both the local population all those travelling along the road. The entire alignment runs through new terrain, and the project only comes into contact with existing roads in a couple of places. 


      Project info

      Project type: Samferdsel og underjord