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E39 Kristiansand West - Mandal East

AF Anlegg is building a 18.6 kilometre new four-lane motorway with a speed limit of 110 km/h between Kristiansand and Mandal.

Project status

    Nov 2018
    Nov 2022

    About the project

    E39 Kristiansand West - Mandal East was the first contract in Nye Veier's E39 portfolio to be put in production. With a framework of NOK 4.7 billion, the contract at the time of signature was Norway's largest turnkey road construction contract.

    • NOK 4,700 million

      Contract Value

    • 47


    • 48-month

      Construction Period

    • Largest Bridge

    AF Gruppen

    High priority stretch of highway

    The E39 Kristiansand West – Mandal East stretch of highway is 19 kilometres long and is among Nye Vei's highest priority routes. The route runs through the municipalities of Kristiansand, Songdalen, Søgne and Mandal.

    The development will alleviate many of the shortcomings of today's road, including poor road safety, low speed limits and some poor capacity. In winter, heavy traffic in particular has accessibility problems, and sometimes blocks all traffic. Building a new E39 will significantly improve accessibility and safety.

    A new road will contribute to a transport system that is reliable, promotes value creation and contributes to a transition to a low-emission society. The development will connect population areas to a coherent living and working region. The new E39 will be a future-oriented and road-safe road system.

    Southern Norway's longest tunnel

    The Kristiansand West – Mandal East route is being developed as a motorway with a speed limit of 110 km/h. The stretch includes, among other things, what will be Southern Norway's longest tunnel; the Søgne tunnel with a length of just over 4,000 metres.

    A bridge will also be built over Trysfjorden. The bridge will be 530 metres long with a height under the bridge of 55 metres. The bridge diverts traffic away from today's landslide-prone stretch along Trysfjorden as well as Trybakken, where traffic management often experiences major operational disturbances in winter caused by snowfall.

    Three motorway intersections will also be built on the stretch; at the start of the project at Grauthelleren in Kristiansand, at Monan in Søgne and in connection with the Lohnelier industrial area, respectively.

    "We are confident that we have a solid partner in AF Gruppen, with whom we can develop this stretch of road. A high focus on road safety and quality will result in a new everyday life for everyone who drives on this stretch of road.
    Asbjørn Heieraas, Project Director in Nye Veier for the new E39
    • Construction work on the new motorway is underway.
    • Tunnel exploitation. Soon breakthrough M7 working face 4.
    • Lohnelier 29/11/21
    • Trysfjord Bridge
    • Trysfjord Bridge 29/11/21
    • Water and frost protection of the Søgne tunnel December 2020.

    Project info

    Project type: Samferdsel og underjord
    Business unit: AF Anlegg
    Adviser: Norconsult
    Customer: Nye Veier
    Contract type: Totalentreprise