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E18 Arendal Tvedestrand AF Gruppen maskinpark

E18 Tvedestrand - Arendal

AF is building 23 km of the new E18 highway. The contract is for the planning and construction of a completely new 23 km section of the motorway between Tvedestrand and Arendal.

Project status

      Feb 2017
      Nov 2019

      About the project

      The contract is for the planning and construction of a completely new 23 km section of the motorway between Tvedestrand and Arendal. The work includes all disciplines and encompasses four double bedrock tunnels, 30 structures, and moving of 10 million cubic metres of rock and earth.

      • 600 people are involved in the project. 350 from AF.

      • NOK 3 200 million

        Contract value

      • 10 million

        cubic metres of earth and rock will be moved

      AF Gruppen


      Nye Veier's first major contract

      The Client is Nye Veier AS, a wholly-owned government limited company that took over responsibility for construction of the section of road from the Norwegian Public Roads Administration on 1 January 2016. Nye Veier's vision is to build quickly and smartly and the contract with AF is the first design and build contract the company has entered into. 

      The design and build nature of the contract means that in addition to building the actual road, AF is also responsible for designing what is one of Norway’s largest road projects ever. Norconsult is AF Gruppen’s subcontractor on the project side and shall design all structures, bridges, tunnels and culverts. Kruse Smith is also a subcontractor to the project and will construct the actual bridges. 

      - Parallel design and execution of such a high volume of work over a restricted construction time – ensuring that everything functions as planned – is challenging, says project manager Erik Frogner at AF Gruppen. 

      AF Gruppen has a huge fleet of machinery comprising massive construction machines, including the largest wheeled loader and the largest bulldozer used in a Norwegian infrastructure project, plus an enormous mobilisation of manpower. In addition, AF only has two and a half years to complete the entire section of road. Nobody has ever built such a large section of road in such a short time frame before in Norway.


      I am very satisfied because the road project in itself is particularly important for the region, we get more road for our money and we will be finished more quickly than we initially thought. Nye Veier is making a significant contribution to keeping costs down, which means we can build even more roads in Norway.
      Transport Minister, Kjetil Solvik Olsen, in the newspaper Agderposten

      Project info

      Project type: Samferdsel og underjord
      Customer: Nye Veier AS
      Contract type: Totalentreprise

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