The hospital is beautifully situated by Drammensfjorden, and if the view doesn't make you feel better, you can reflect on the fact that the comfortable room temperature in the building comes from utilizing thermal energy from the sea.
Drammen Fjernvarme supplies the energy to the hospital via the energy centers in the basement of the building, with Drammensfjorden being the main energy source for the district heating center. Where the district heating pipes meet the hospital wall, AF Energi takes over the responsibility.
Kristoffer Laskemoen, Portfolio Manager at AF Energi, explains that the size of the project has led them to divide the follow-up of production and deliveries into areas and buildings, giving a lot of responsibility to dedicated area managers at AF Energi.
– It has been a very hectic progress for three years, where we have sometimes been in the completion phase in some buildings and just barely started in others. The size and number of components make it challenging. Therefore, good teamwork and good logistics have been the key to success for us, says Kristoffer Laskemoen.