Stine Aakervik Pedersen assumed leadership of the company, which has 47 employees, last fall. Betonmast Oslo is projected to achieve a turnover of approximately one billion in 2022 and was nominated for Business Unit of the Year in September, being recognized as one of AF Gruppen's most profitable business units. She has significant experience in the industry, having worked in roles such as concrete foreman, design manager, environmental manager, and project manager for large construction projects. The interview takes place at her office in Schweigaardsgate.
– Last fall, I was fortunate to receive an excellent team and have dedicated significant time to understanding each member thoroughly. I believe that a deeper mutual understanding among team members fosters greater interpersonal appreciation.
She is confident in the theory, believing that familiarity facilitates communication. Thus, Betonmast Oslo's team regularly meets across projects to share experiences and socialize.
– I love the word "dugnadsånd" (community spirit). With us, it should pay off to pitch in, whether it's helping a colleague in the project or assisting a team in another project.
The focus on a sharing culture and community spirit has been there since the beginning in 2006. When the founders, Jørgen Evensen and Peter Sandrup, together with Stine and a handful of skilled people from the industry, started Betonmast. They moved into Schweigaardsgate, ordered pizza, assembled furniture from IKEA, and started calculating bids.
– We calculated everything. We were a group that wanted to create something together.