The ground works contract includes roads, parking sites, foundations for 21 turbines and the wind farm’s internal electricity network. The commission comprises a turnkey contract.
The foundations are scaled for wind turbines with a total height of 240 metres. The wind farm will have an output of approximately 140 MW and an annual production of 460 GWh – an important contribution to the electricity supply in southern Sweden.
“One of Kanonaden’s strengths is the extensive expertise they have developed over the years. The company is approaching 500 completed turbine foundations with associated construction work, which guarantees an efficient delivery and satisfied customer. We are very pleased with the renewed confidence from Vattenfall, with whom we have collaborated on several previous wind power projects in southern Sweden,” says Bård Frydenlund, EVP of AF Gruppen.
Construction of the Bruzaholm wind farm in Eksjö municipality will start this summer. This year, logging and roadworks will be carried out, and in 2024 work on foundations, parking sites and cable drawing will continue. The wind farm is expected to be commissioned in the autumn of 2025.
Bård Frydenlund
EVP Sweden
AF Gruppen