The client for this new-build project is Tornet Bostadsproduktion AB and the commission is to be delivered on a turn-key basis.
The Tamarinden neighbourhood will feature a local energy system that will be able to reduce, produce, store, and share energy. This system is the only one of its kind in Sweden and will serve as a prototype for delivering a more rapid energy transition in new-build projects.
The energy system combines solar energy, district heating and geothermal heating as it predicts demand and consumption and selects the energy type with the smallest carbon footprint at any given time. Pilot studies show that this can result in energy savings of 30 per cent while halving power requirements.
“It is very gratifying that we have been given the chance to help build a new residential area that sets ambitious targets in terms of sustainability in a range of areas,” says Bård Frydenlund, EVP of AF Gruppen responsible for Sweden.
A total of 700 new homes are planned for the Tamarinden neighbourhood, in addition to a new nursery school and business premises. HMB will commence work on its share of the project in the autumn of 2022, with homes scheduled for occupancy by 2025.
Bård Frydenlund
EVP Sweden
AF Gruppen