The Health Center is located in Vikøyri in Vik Municipality, approx. 2.5-hour drive from Bergen.
The project includes several different buildings that combined form a single Health and Care Center in Vik. Planned start-up is March 2022 with completion in May 2026.
The construction phase will consist of three different construction stages, where different buildings in the facility are built / rebuilt / rehabilitated in each stage. The gross total floor area of the various buildings to be built, rebuilt, and rehabilitated in the project is approx. 8,500 m2.
“This is an important and exciting assignment for us, and we are pleased that Vik municipality has chosen LAB Entreprenør for this project, says Gard Kvalheim, CEO of LAB Entreprenør.
The final contract will be entered into after the expiry of the 11-day waiting period. The contract will have a value of MNOK 181 excl. VAT.
Tormod Solberg
EVP Construction
AF Gruppen