Backa is one of the prioritised development areas in Gothenburg. This is where Selma City is being developed, a new suburb comprising homes and retail, culture and sports. Around 1,000 new homes are being developed during the initial phase.
Riksbyggen is planning to build 143 apartments in Selma Lagerlöf town square. AF Bygg Göteborg will start the first phase in spring, building 85 homes for the Dunungen housing cooperative. Most of the apartments have windows facing in two directions and all will have balconies or outdoor areas in the best possible positions for getting sun.
The development of phase two, with senior living apartments for the Bonum Mårbacka housing cooperative is scheduled to commence during spring 2022.
“We look forward to contributing to a greater diversity of housing in Selma City, giving people the opportunity to continue living here or moving to the neighbourhood,” says Bård Frydenlund, EVP AF Gruppen Sweden.
Bård Frydenlund
EVP Sweden
AF Gruppen