The work will be carried out as an cooperation agreement and includes the development, project planning and construction of commercial and office premises, Dokka 6. When it is completed in the summer of 2021, the seven-storey building with basement shall house the offices of Helfo and Norxe, among others. Total surface area is approximately 8,500 m2 BTA.
The contract is valued at approximately NOK 163 million, excluding VAT.
Dokka 6 is located in the new urban development area at Værste. “Værsteområdet” is the former workshop area of Fredrikstad Mekaniske Verksted. The urban development area will expand Fredrikstad city centre towards Kråkerøy.
- “Together with the property development company Værste AS, we will build one of the main buildings in the new district in Fredrikstad. This is one of the largest urban development projects in the Oslofjord region. We look forward to working with the customer to create a modern and future-oriented office and commercial building,” says Geir Flåta, Executive Vice President of AF Gruppen.
Geir Flåta
EVP Civil Construction & Offshore
Morten Grongstad