The tunnels Rv. 658 Ellingsøytunnelen, Rv. 658 Valderøytunnelen and Fv. 658 Godøytunnelen will be upgraded according to new specifications for tunnels. The contract includes building-, construction-and electrical works.
The work is scheduled to start in September 2017 and expect to be finished within May 2019. The contract is a general contract and has an estimated value of NOK 600 million, excl. VAT.
- The project is a good match for AF Gruppen. We are currently performing a contract for the Norwegian Public Road Administration in Rauma and are pleased to see that AF Gruppen is chosen for yet another project in the same area, says Morten Grongstad, CEO of AF Gruppen.
For further information:
EVP Civil Engineering: Arild Moe, tel. +47 91 37 62 65
Executive Vice President/CFO: Sverre Hærem, tel. + 47 952 45 167