Gassco HSE&Q summit 2016 was arranged in Haugesund on 26 October, and during the conference AF Offshore Decom and Statoil were awarded the prestigious HSE Award for for their Health Safety and Environment (HSE) work during removal of the B11 platform.

The award is an initiative to promote positive and innovative thinking in HSE, and is awarded to companies that have stood out in their work with health, safety and the environment.

AF Offshore Decom and Statoil completed the removal of the B11 platform for Gassco in 2015 on budget and within the deadline, and without injuries leading to absence. It is these excellent results, in addition to the ability to collaborate with the customer, operators and partners, that the jury has emphasized in its decision.

“Statoil has had lengthy and good cooperation with AF Offshore Decom, and we are proud that the good implementation of the B11 project has resulted in this year's HSE Award from Gassco. This is recognition that proves that close and good cooperation with our suppliers provides good HSE results,” says project manager Vidar Eiken with Statoil.

“Through excellent cooperation with Statoil and Gassco, we have removed and sorted the B11 platform in a safe and environmentally proper manner, with a high level of recycling. Work on health, safety and the environment is an important part of AF's corporate culture. For this reason we are very proud and humble to have won the HSE Award. It proves that our long-term focus on our employees' and partners' safety yields results,” says Bengt Hildisch, Director of AF Offshore Decom.

AF Offshore Decom and Statoil as technical service provider for Gassco have jointly completed a campaign for the removal of the B-11 platform in the German sector of the North Sea. The platform was recycled at AF Offshore Decoms's environmental base in Vats.

B-11 was one of two booster platforms on the Norpipe pipeline in the German sector of the North Sea. B-11 was in service between 1976 and 2013. Removal and recycled B-11 was done in 2015.

The B-11 removal project has outstanding health, safety and environmental results. The project was executed on time and below budget.

The project has involved subsea inspection, preparatory work, the removal operation itself, seabed cleaning, rock dumping and onshore disposal work adding up to about 250 000 work hours.

Close cooperation between the project TSP, the operator, the contractors and other partners has been one of the success factors.

The Gassco HSE award 2016 jury finds that the B-11 Removal project meets all the award criteria.

The award jury and Gassco's executive management congratulates Statoil and AF Offshore Decom with their good work and the Gassco HSE award 2016.