We will reduce our eco-footprint and be a leader in creating socially beneficial business opportunities.
As we move towards 2024, we will continue to tear down what was and build for the future, although it will be more important than ever to do it sustainably. Our industry impacts the environment, and it is our responsibility to ensure that this impact is as small as possible. AF has extensive experience from projects that set comprehensive environmental requirements and has an in-depth understanding of how processes, material choices and operating solutions impact the environment. We will use our expertise to reduce waste and greenhouse gas emissions in projects and encourage clients to choose good environmental solutions.
We will also be an advocate for the fact that climate and environmental savings can be profitable. Innovation and a focus on the environment go hand in hand. We have no choice but to be innovative and find better solutions. AF’s eco-parks are examples of solutions where materials that previously would have ended up in landfill sites can now be recovered and live on. We will continue to acquire and attract relevant climate and environmental expertise and develop new, in-demand climate and environmental services.
Climate and environmental goals
Halving greenhouse gas emissions in our projects by 2030.
Halving waste quantities that cannot be reused or recycled by 2030
Source separation rate in AF at least 80% (regulatory requirements 60%).