Latest news
Financial calendar
Yearly report
Quarterly report - Q1
General meeting
Half-yearly report - Q2
Quarterly report - Q3
Register for Webcast
Do you want to follow AF Gruppen's quarterly presentations via webcast? Register your email address and receive a notification with a link to the webcast before each quarterly presentation (it's in Norwegian).
Quarterly results
Revenues (MNOK)
Earnings before tax (MNOK)
Profit margin (%)
IR Policy
AF Gruppen aims to provide all investors and stakeholders with consistent access to financial information about the company. We place a high priority on our communication with the stock market and strive to maintain an open dialogue with all participants.
Quiet period
AF Gruppen observes a 30-day quiet period before announcing quarterly results. During this time, AF Gruppen does not engage in meetings with investors or analysts.
Contact persons
Anny Øen
AF Gruppen
Lars Christian Paulsen
Finance Manager
AF Gruppen Konsern
Amund Tøftum
AF Gruppen