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The basis of safety work at AF is that all undesired incidents have a cause, and that they can therefore be avoided. A strong safety culture and good systems for learning, training and reporting help AF avoid personal injuries.

Through risk analysis, possible undesired incidents and their causes can be identified. Risk-reducing barriers are established to eliminate the risk of undesired incidents or reduce the risk to an acceptable level. If undesired incidents nevertheless occur, they are followed up to find the underlying causes, so that preventive measures can be established. The most serious incidents are followed up more thoroughly by means of an investigation where corporate management is also involved.

The most important measurable parameter for safety work at AF is the LTI rate. The LTI rate is defined as the number of injuries resulting in absence per million man-hours. Personal injuries at our subcontractors are included in the calculation of the LTI rate. The injury frequency rate has shown a positive trend through the years, from an LTI rate for Norwegian operations of around 20 in the early 90s, to an LTI rate of 1.1 (1.3) for 2017. 

In spite of continuous safety work, AF must always be prepared for serious accidents. We are therefore organised with a preparedness system for each project and overall in the Group, which is to handle and reduce the harmful effects of serious accidents and provide good follow-up.

  • The graph shows the development of number of incidents that lead to at least one day absence per million working hours.